I was thinking the other day about school and how some pupils never missed a day in Four years at High school and still couldn’t read or write at the end of it. All high school taught me was how to punctuate sentences and paragraphs and if it wasn’t for that I’d’ve been better off staying at home for Four years. In Fourth year I actually did stay at home enough times to get me in front of a childrens panel. At one point, being put into care was mentioned and auld Scud let out a laugh and said – ‘for pluggin the skill’?- to which a panel member replied that it was the law. My faither’s reply to that was ‘if that’s the law mr Bumble was right aboot it’. Anyway my attendance improved after that – not that much but enough to stave off incarceration at ‘Schoolag 17’. The point of this story is that unless you’re going to be a prefect and get lots of A and O levels( or whatever it is these days) they should just let you stay at home for Four years.
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