Pumphy is bracing itself for Hurricane ‘Boabby Thomson’ on Saturday night. It is expected to hit the village around evening time and Police, Pumpherston Popular Front [ PPF ] and Pumpherston Liberation Organisation [PLO ] leaders, Boabby Thomson and Boabby Thomson [ no relation ] have promised to put aside their differences and work together to help out in any emergencies. It is unfortunate that the Pensioners annual, Bingo, Pea, Broccoli and Lentil soup night at the Bowling club will go ahead but the authorities are prepared for any eventuality. ‘ Pumphy Observer’ chief reporter, Huge Mucklefanny, will be their with his note pad and also his web cam, in case Pumphy’s husband and wife porn stars Monty F–k and Fanny Sayer decide to make ‘Blowin in the wind’ and ‘ The Enema Within’. The storm, coming from the west, expected to produce winds of over Eighty miles an hour, coupled with the Bingo, Pea, Broccoli and Lentil soup night at the Bowly is expected to make any one East of Pumphy’s life a misery for a good few hours.
Another letter from Pumpherston -19.11.15
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