Boffins at the Pumpherston institute of science stuff [P.I.S.S ] think they have discovered why Germany win the World cup all the time -LIDL. Because the food is mainly cheap Shite the footballers try harder than anyone else in order to spend their win bonus in the more upmarket Eichman and Spencers [ Marks never lived through the war ].German singer, Cilla Schwarz, who had a hit with ‘What’s it all about ALDI’ and who’s mother, Cilla snr – [ they have a lot more imagination in engineering and Genocide than they do when it comes to names ] famously, during the war, used to hunt down Jews in hiding and hand them striped pygamas with the words ‘surprise, surprise’ at the moment of capture. That’s why my money’s on the Germans to win the European Championship in France this summer – cheap food.
Science Corner – 22,2,16
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