The cancer Diaries – 1.11 15.

Furosemide, Clopidogrel, Ivabridine, Atorvastatin – if you had all those in scrabble you’d be laughing but when you’ve got to take them day and night to stay alive it can get you down a bit. The weekend has been a bit of a wash out for me – I felt cold all day Saturday and not very well at all. A doctor had to come out at 2 am this morning and check me over but he said I was ok, but to phone for an Ambulance if my temperature got higher. I  woke today with my pillow soaked through and I fainted when I was in the toilet- so a great start to the day. Hibs have just taken the lead against Rangers, though, so it’s not all doom and gloom. I wish I was well and healthy, though – the thought of feeling like this for evermore isn’t very appealing. What a beautiful day, though.

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